A Channeled Message from the Goddesses of the Night, the Goddesses of the Hidden Realm, the Goddesses of Ophiuchus
There is a tree that I go to, often in the darkest hours of the night, guided only by the twinkling stars and soft moonlight. From out of this darkness, a magical path emerges. Taking in each and every moment, I walk this path, observing the silent beauty that emanates in this time; a beauty that only makes its presence known when the masses are tucked in for the night.
At the end of the path, there is a hill. The wild and grassy mass of land gently waves to me as the cool breeze passes through; a subtle invitation for me to stroll further up the hill. Only at the top are you confronted with the wondrous view of my tree friend. The mere sight of her fills my heart with joy. After many visits with this beautiful friend of mine, she revealed her spirit's face and spoke to me her name. She is called Griaura.
Griaura serves as a loving support for me to relax and gaze at the cosmos above. She has a massive root that protrudes from the base of her trunk which is perfect for lounging upon. I could spend hours there with her and I fondly remember a time in which I fell asleep in her motherly embrace.
This is a screenshot from the Night Sky app on iPhone of the placement of the stars on the night of April 14th, 2023.
It was April 14th, 2023 and I was there with Griaura, staring with admiration toward my home world, Arcturus, which happened to line up almost perfectly over the Ophiuchus (oh-few-cuss) constellation, which is the sign my Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Pluto all fall under in 13 Sign Sidereal Astrology (click here for a 13 sign birth chart reading). While I was opening myself to receive the energy of this section of the sky, the Goddesses of the Night, the Goddesses of the Hidden Realm, the Goddesses of Ophiuchus whispered the following message to me:
They taught us to fear going out
under the moonlight
To fear taking a walk under dark skies
With the stars shining so bright
Experiencing the power of the night
Release their fear and embrace
The cycles of the moon
The cycles of the cosmos
The cycles of nature around you
For they will lead to the sacred cycles
inside you
Goddess of the night
Let the stars and moon shine bright
And spark your divine inner light
Be still in its silence
There is power inside it
This power is your divine birthright
I knew I had to share this message with the world as I too am an Ophiuchus Goddess who is meant to embody her frequency here on Earth and infuse her wisdom back into the collective consciousness. She has been suppressed for hundreds of years and it is now time for her to take back her rightful place in the world.
A little background for those of us who may not be aware, Ophiuchus is the hidden 13th sign of the astrological cycle. She is the serpent bearer, the wisdom holder of the hidden realm. She serves as the bridge between life and death, day and night, known and unknown. Her frequency is held by all of the goddesses, wise women, medicine women, shamans, healers, matriarchs, witches, and those who have journeyed into the darkest, most hidden realms imaginable, only to emerge with a bright and beautiful light to share with the world, for they now understood the wisdom and power of the sacred and natural cycles that we all flow through.
A wisdom as ancient as the cosmos above is expressed in her message and it is extremely important for the world to hear in this time. Humans have been so disconnected from the natural flow of things that we now see natural phenomena, such as death, the night (darkness), and the unknown, as fearful and limiting rather than the true other half of life that they are. These are all natural and beautiful parts of the human experience and only when we embrace them are we able to reach our full potential.
It is understandable that we as a collective fear death, darkness, and the unknown. Society has shaped our daily lives to take us as far away from them as possible.
We are flooded with stories that produce a constant fearfulness of death via social media, the news, and the church.
We go outside only while the sun shines and are confined within our homes at night, away from the wisdom of the moon and cosmos above and with lightbulbs that disrupt our circadian rhythm.
We are taught to fear the unknown and are encouraged only to pursue paths that are known to have worked for others, even when these may not align with our soul's purpose in this lifetime.
We are conditioned to conform to socially accepted beliefs and vilified for attempting to experience things for ourselves and form our own opinions.
The problem with all of this is that it takes us further away from our natural selves. Death, darkness, and the unknown are all parts of who we are and what we came here to experience.
When you sit with these processes and just observe them without judgement, you begin to see your place within them. Our life is a series of cycles and when you accept this, you come to understand the fullness of the universe. For it is death that births life, darkness that births light, and the unknown that births the known.
You realize that death is destined, but when you die, you sustain new life in the form of the animals, insects, plants, and fungi that feed upon you. And this is not unique to you. Even the brightest stars die, spreading their seeds of life across the universe when they do.
You realize that darkness is as certain as the light. The sun disappears every night, just to be born again the next morning. And when the moon hides her face once a month, you know that she will reappear full as ever soon after.
You realize that when you allow yourself to fall deep into the unknown, this is when you are able to expand your horizons the most. This is when the most growth occurs. New opportunities you never knew existed open up to you. Your new experiences and perspectives allow you to shine your light even brighter and this sparks a light within others. It inspires them to explore their unknown and make it known as well.
All of these cycles that you observe externally then point you within. You realize that you too go through ups and downs and that it is okay. Sometimes you will feel tired and you body will demand rest. In today's society, we are made to think we need to grind 24/7. This is not realistic. Understanding the cycles around you, brings awareness to your own body's natural cycles and allows you to give yourself permission to not be at 100% at all times. When you instead take advantage of the restful periods, you know that soon again you will have the energy to conquer the world.
The Goddesses of the Night, the Goddesses of the Hidden Realm, the Goddesses of Ophiuchus all want you to witness and embrace these cycles once again. Get out there and experience them for yourself. We have been disconnected from them for far too long.
How beautiful Destinie. Wonderfully expressed 🫶 a joy to read.
So well written Destinie and thank you for sharing this beautiful message 🌟
That was beautiful! 😍✨ I’ve always beeen obsessed with the night sky and stargazing — loved this! Thank you for sharing!